Traveling With Air Miles

Now days pretty much everyone has a one or two credit cards. Make sure you use credit cards that give you air miles and you should then use your credit card for all your daily purchases and build up your air miles points. Now this will only work of course if you pay off your credit cards at the end of the month when your statement comes. If you can become disciplined in making sure to pay off your credit cards on time you can build up your air miles in no time. Some people travel the world on air miles or on frequent flyer credit cards.

When you decide to use your air miles or frequent flier credit card your bank will have a rewards program to build up credit every time you use your credit card for things you purchase. Then once you have enough credit points built up you can use those points to purchase flights to anywhere in the world. So it is like you are flying for free as all you did is used your credit card to make the purchases in stead of cash.

Now depending on the card you are using and the bank that issues the credit card some of the points can be redeemed for hotels as well as airlines. So it is something you should ask your bank when applying for your credit card. It is best to let the credit card work for you instead of you working to pay off your credit cards and debts.

There are a few different kinds of frequent flyer cards on the market and here are some of them:

The Chase Travel Plus Platinum Visa Card
This card offers a ratio of one mile earned for each dollar spent. Its miles are usable for plane tickets, rental cars, hotel rooms, and cruises. The miles can also be used with 250 different airlines, without any restrictions. You do need to check with your bank as there maybe an annual fee that you must pay in order for you to get thesse rewards. The cost is generally not so much but the rewards are huge in comparison.

Blue Sky from American Express
This car has no annual fees and it gives members the choice of air, road, sea, or bed and features one-mile-per-dollar-spent ratio. A potential customer can also select any airline, hotel, car rental agency, or cruise line to redeem their points. You also receive benefits ranging from personal health insurance while traveling to the guarantee that any purchase a customer wishes to return - if the merchant will not take it back you will be reimbursed up to $300 per item by American Express. If you plan to go on a vacation at any point in your life, these are good things to have.

The Miles Card from Discover Card
This is actually one of the best cards to have. Of course you can do your own research and I am sure you will come up with the same thinking. This card has a one-to-one mile-to-dollar reward ratio, no annual fee, the lowest regular interest rate compared to other credit cards.

Thanks to Brian Kelly at Bloomberg for the great video on how to use your air miles for your next travel .

However if you prefer not to use an air mile credit card or in conjunction with or if you don’t have a credit card with air miles. There is a solution for this as well. There is a program that will help you save up to 70% of the cost of your travel. You simply only need to visit and you will have the benefits to travel with up to 70% discount and be able to get $500 of grocery coupons to help your family save money. You can save on cruises, all-inclusive resorts including the airfare etc. So it means everyone can travel even on a budget.

You can also see other luxury travel with champagne taste all on a beer budget. Visit and you too can enjoy such travel.

I wish you and your loved ones an amazing experience where ever you might travel to.

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