Traveling With Air Miles

Now days pretty much everyone has a one or two credit cards. Make sure you use credit cards that give you air miles and you should then use your credit card for all your daily purchases and build up your air miles points. Now this will only work of course if you pay off your credit cards at the end of the month when your statement comes. If you can become disciplined in making sure to pay off your credit cards on time you can build up your air miles in no time. Some people travel the world on air miles or on frequent flyer credit cards. When you decide to use your air miles or frequent flier credit card your bank will have a rewards program to build up credit every time you use your credit card for things you purchase. Then once you have enough credit points built up you can use those points to purchase flights to anywhere in the world. So it is like you are flying for free as all you did is used your credit card to make the purchases in stead of cash. Now depending on t...