How to Use A Timeshare Vacation Without Having To Buy One

Timeshare programs are wonderful if you are able to use them every year and if you can have good trading power to trade to another nice resort. But what if there was a way to use a timeshare program without having to purchase a timeshare. There are many people who will rent there timeshare and even the developers will rent the unsold inventory to generate revenue. You only need to know how to access it. The benefit of traveling to a timeshare resort is that you can travel with your entire family to 4 and 5 star luxury resorts all over the world for the price of a 1 star hotel room.

Over the years timeshares have become a very popular way for families to travel and save money at the same time. Think about it, where else can you trade your resort timeshare you own and travel somewhere else in the world with your entire family for about $199 for the use of someone elses resort. When timeshare owners purchase they have to purchase on one of the 3 seasons, blue season which is actually off season, and white season which is mid season, and red season which is the high season and the strongest trading power. Red can trade with a blue or white but they cannot trade to a red season. So they can trade the same power or trade down but not up. You could travel all over the world from Spain, Asia, Europe, North America. The opportunities are endless.

But many people have heard the horror stories that also goes with timeshares of people getting trapped in a program or forced to listen to a seminar and the stories go on and on. But how does one avoid a Timeshare Vacation Trap?  That is not as difficult as it sounds. First if you are interested in buying a timeshare you need to consider why you want to buy a timeshare.

If you decide to buy a timeshare you will be able to trade your timeshare week with another timeshare week somewhere around the world if it is available. Depending which timeshare company you are with there are more than 3,000 resorts world wide to 5,000 resorts to choose from. The challenge is the week you want is not always available for exchange so it means you will then need to consider going somewhere else. So comes down to supply and demand.

Check out this amazing video and thanks to Mark Abroad sharing his experience in Bali Luxury Beach Resort called Sofitel Hotel. It is an experience to die for. And as you will see he stayed there without owning a timeshare. You can too.

If you would like to know more ways how to have more amazing dream vacations like this video, visit and check out how you can use a timeshare resort without having to purchase one and guaranteed no blackouts, and there you will also find more benefits and tips on how to save up to 70% on your next vacation.

Enjoy your vacation where ever you may travel.

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